۱۸ شهریور ۱۴۰۳ |۴ ربیع‌الاول ۱۴۴۶ | Sep 8, 2024
Ayat Saeedi

Stating that the presence of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) in a city and the location of their shrine in that city was with the view of creating a cultural base and media for the promotion of divine knowledge, The Custodian of Lady Masuma (PBUH) Shrine said,” The existence of this view in the case of Lady Masuma, peace be upon her, is completely clear in the hadiths. Therefore, the officials and custodians of the shrines should also act with this view.”

Hawzah News Agency- The Custodian of Lady Masuma (PBUH) Shrine Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Saeedi delivered a speech during a meeting with the new Consul General of Iran in Karbala, Abdur Rahim Saadatifar, which took place in the Mihrab Hall of the Holy Shrine on Saturday, November 25. He said,” Our view of the Holy Shrines is the same as the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) had in mind.”

He stated that the presence of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) in a city and the location of their shrine were with the view of creating a cultural base and media for the promotion of divine knowledge, and added,” The existence of this view regarding Lady Masuma, peace be upon her, is completely clear in the hadiths. Therefore, the officials and custodians of these shrines should also act with this view.”

The Custodian of Lady Masuma Holy Shrine said,” Just as the behavior of the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) was not limited to worship and they got involved in political and social issues, it cannot be said that the Ahl al-Bayt’s Holy Shrines are only a place of worship and pilgrimage; Rather, these shrines should be regarded as a place to increase knowledge in order to become familiar with the way of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT).”

He considered it necessary to comply with the requirements of each country in the matter of pilgrimage and said,” As God said in the Holy Quran, the way to influence the society is to use a soft tone and pleasant words; Therefore, efforts should be made to increase the cordiality among people and the holy shrines, and we should note that Karbala and the shrine of Aba Abdullah (PBUH) is a strong medium and we should use this medium to promote divine knowledge.”


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